Japan Business Federation Calls for Long-Term Strategy to Become AI and Robotics Powerhouse

Japan Business Federation Calls for Long-Term Strategy to Become AI and Robotics Powerhouse

The Japan Business Federation, Keidanren, has urged Japan to focus on becoming a powerhouse in artificial intelligence and robotics but has cautioned that this can only become a reality with the development of new long-term strategies by the government. In a document presented on April 16, Keidanren outlined a wish list aimed at strengthening the nation's industrial base and highlighted the need for a comprehensive strategy that spans industries to enhance competitiveness.

According to Keidanren, Japan's current approaches to achieving goals like carbon neutrality by 2050 and becoming a global player in the semiconductor industry lack long-term perspective and may not be effective in the short to medium term. They stressed the importance of a unified long-term strategy up to 2040 to bolster industrial competitiveness and drive economic growth, aiming to overcome Japan's economic stagnation and return Tokyo to a path of growth. The federation called for government support for promising businesses to leverage Japan's strengths and excel in international markets through joint public-private investments and conducive business environments.

Keidanren highlighted the significance of private enterprises taking the lead in driving growth and proposed seven strategic fields, including AI, robotics, semiconductors, and energy, as promising areas for Japan's development. They emphasized the need for a clear strategy that transcends business and agency boundaries to address structural issues and enhance the industrial base, rejecting conventional government-led industrial policies in favor of fresh investment strategies. The federation also underscored the importance of addressing Japan's labor shortage through digital technologies, positioning the next few years as a critical period for intensive investments to bolster competitiveness and prepare for Japan's future as an AI and robotics superpower.